personal works
Ariane enjoys exploring whimsical themes and painting traditionally (sometimes touching up digitally) to portray magical creatures.
They have an obsession with pointy hats, gnomes and fairies.
They are currently working on a stationery collection and are open for collabs and custom orders.
sketchbook stuff
Ariane is mainly but not exclusively active in their sketchbooks. They have many, that serve many different purposes: explorations of colours, landscapes, character studies…
To observe their sketchbooks is to take a first glimpse at their colorful, magical inner world.
daily self-portraits
Ariane has been doing daily self-portraits since january 2024 and they have been vocal about it on social media.
To them, the practise of observing themselves daily and intentionally putting pen to paper is a crucial part of their artistic routine, like Julia Cameron’s morning pages.