personal works

Ariane enjoys exploring whimsical themes and painting traditionally (sometimes touching up digitally) to portray magical creatures.

They have an obsession with pointy hats, gnomes and fairies.

They are currently working on a stationery collection and are open for collabs and custom orders.

A watercolor illustration of a small bookish gnome with long dark braided hair, glasses, a red pointy hat, orange jumper and blue striped skirt, holding a big red book. A blue squiggle next to it traces a line towards a pile of books.
Illustration portrait of a fairy queen in a wheelchair, wearing a green dress. Her husband the wizard wears a gold and green patchwork robe and a big green hat. Their dog is smiling and wears a green cape. Their pink shadows reveal a tiny squirrel.u
A very simple gouache/watercolor illustration of a loosely shaped orange fluffy cat walking in the green moonlight next to a little gnome wearing a red pointy hat. there are stars in the sky and a crescent moon.
small cute tradi illustration (gouache/watercolour) of a small yellow gnome with a green onesie and a daisy head ornament standing next to an actual daisy.
Watercolor illustration of a green-skinned elf/magician. They are wearing a pointy hat and a onesie that are both red with yellow stars. They make magic with a wand and there is a squiggly green magic line. The background is purple with yellow stars.
A receipe for cinnamon rolls illustrated traditionally in watercolor with a patchworky frame, and on the bottom left a long brown-haired gnome wearing a red pointy hat, green shirt, blue striped pants, green shoes and a purple gingham apron, baking
A pale rose skinned gnome with long dark braided hair, a green pointy hat, pink norwegian jumper, and green gingham pants is carrying a plate with a big pink and golden brioche on it. There are patchwork bands on the top and bottom of the drawing.
digital illustration of a very tiny gnome with a red pointy hat standing on an enormous purple turnip with chartreuse green leafs.

sketchbook stuff

Ariane is mainly but not exclusively active in their sketchbooks. They have many, that serve many different purposes: explorations of colours, landscapes, character studies…

To observe their sketchbooks is to take a first glimpse at their colorful, magical inner world.

Tombow marker sketchbook drawing of a purple snail with a purple and white pointy shell that looks like a berlingot toffee; the background is mossy golden green and there are funny shapes around it. Bottom is watercolor graphite drawings of snails.
Edward hopper paintings studies in a sketchbook, with tombow markers, graphite and neon pink crayon. The composition is very patchworky, with little boxes with drawings in them. The color-scheme is very green, with touches of pink and hints of purple
A sketchbook spread of bears and flowers drawn with a fountain pen and colored in with tombow markers in all shades of salmon pink, yellowish greens, blues and purples and browns
A mixed-media (ink, acrylics, pastels) sketchbook painting of a frog drinking tea from a pink hot cup.
A purple and green landscapes of a woman painting a landscape, made with oil pastels. There are purple trees and the woman is loosely shaped and on the first plane we can see a big hydrangreas bush.
A purple and green landscapes of a woman painting a landscape, made with watercolours. There are purple trees and the woman is loosely shaped and on the first plane we can see a big hydrangreas bush
A sketchbook double page with on the left, an ink and pastel greenfinch bird (all shades of chartreuse); and on the right a linocut print in green ink f a mouse carrying a letter with the words "MOUSE MAIL" and a mailbox, and sleeping mice doodles

daily self-portraits

self-portrait in tombow markers, shades of pinks and browns, facing with a neutral look

Ariane has been doing daily self-portraits since january 2024 and they have been vocal about it on social media.

To them, the practise of observing themselves daily and intentionally putting pen to paper is a crucial part of their artistic routine, like Julia Cameron’s morning pages.

A self-portrait in ballpoint pen and colored in with coloured pencils, the background is gold green highlighter and the expression of the face is calm and happy. The shades of greens and pinks are very soft, the hair is deep red. reads"8/01/24,happy"
reads "020124 cold" laveder highlighter background. The selfportrait is of a half-face deep in a yellow scarf covered in red vines, the hair is deep wine red and the glasses are big and pink. The eyes are semi closed and the nose is very pink.
"271124 first sourdough is in the oven - i tooted!" a black and white watercolor graphite selfportrait of a realistic face of a brunette with big glasses, a messy hairdo, fringe, one eye open and a silly frown.
a very contrasted black and white watercolor graphite selfportrait of Ariane yawning. They wear a towel on their head and their eyes are closed.
a black and white watercolor graphite selfportrait of Ariane, with a face like a fish, eyes wide open and mouth pouted. They wear glasses, a very short fringe, and look quite silly
"150125 YAWN" a very colorful selfportrait of Ariane's face coming out of a purple scarf with yellow vine motif. The face is yawning wide, they wear pink glasses, and their hair is beautiful wine red. all shades of pinks and purples.
"170125 Jabba the Hutt" a very colorful selfportrait of Ariane's face smiling softly. They look tired and their chin is back in their neck;  they wear pink glasses, and their hair is beautiful wine red. all shades of pinks and purples.